
Dallas Smith's Blog

Reflections on Southern Culture

04/01/2012By Dallas Smith0Travel: United States
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International readers of this blog may be unaware of the clichés used to describe lower class people in the Southern states of the US, those states that tried to perpetuate the institution of slavery, leading to the bloody Civil War 1861-1865.  While poor Southerners have generally been more likely to hold racist beliefs, believing themselves to be on a higher social rung than poor blacks, more educated whites have used the pejorative "white trash" or "redneck" to describe this particular lower class mentality.  My friends and I had quite an interesting discussion as to why "rednecks" believe the things they do and exhibit the attitudes commonly associated with them. . .

A Collection of Photos and Text

Three collected PDF files with text and images.

04/01/2012By Dallas Smith0
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As during the past ten years or so, I worked New Year's Eve 2010 at a Reno 
casino with a ten?piece band, "The World's Most Dangerous Party Band".  We played 
for two dinner seatings of "high rollers", i.e. casino visitors who deposit the requisite 
minimum amount of money into their gaming (gambling) accounts.  Casinos don't 
care if a particular customer wins or loses…they just have to gamble.  Because when 
they gamble, the odds favoring the "house" (casino) will prevail, and so overall the 
casinos consistently rake in the money.

Music and Music Business: Two Different Things

04/01/2012By Dallas Smith0Other Musings: Music
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I’ve been thinking about my life as a musician and the challenges of being a professional musician (or painter, sculptor, dancer, poet, or artist of any kind) in today’s society. I’ll start with some details of my personal story, through which many of you will be reminded of your own pursuits of your personal passions.

Music and Music Business

(two completely different things...)

04/01/2012By Dallas Smith0Music
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This essay was first published in October 2010. It's about my musical journey up until 2010.

Southern Culture

04/01/2012By Dallas Smith0Travel: United States
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I’ve flown into Atlanta on my way home to Columbus, Georgia, countless times in the last four decades. It’s impossible to arrive again without flashing back to the trips that occurred on the occasion of the deaths of my parents in Jan. 2002 and Dec. 2003. There’s a certain emptiness caused by the fact that though I’m returning “home” to the place where I spent the first eighteen years of my life, that it’s not the same because my parents aren’t there anymore.

Marriage Indian Style

March, 2012

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In traditional Moslem culture, all marriages are arranged. Once the bride and groom’s families complete their negotiations on dowry terms (the money and goods paid to the groom’s family as compensation for assuming the “burden” of supporting the addition to the groom’s family), the marriage ceremony is arranged. Marriages are a time for large celebrations featuring conspicuous consumption.

An Iranian in America

March 29, 2012

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No, I have not traveled to Iran, but my across-the-street neighbor just returned from a one month visit to his hometown of Shiraz, Iran...  

Thoughts on Iran, Boston, and a Police Shooting

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No, I have not traveled to Iran, but my across-the-street neighbor just returned from a one month visit to his hometown of Shiraz, Iran. My neighbor’s Iranian name is Parvez. Parvez has lived in the states for almost thirty years. He’s an artist as well as being a capable handyman, i.e. a “jack of all trades”. . .