Dallas Smith's Blog


Viewing Mount Fuji

10/26/2023By Dallas SmithComments: 0  Replies: 0Travel : Seven Japanese Cities Visited on the Viking Cruise
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The city of Shimizu has a large natural port that has been used for centuries.  I learned that Japan is the origin of Mandarin oranges.  Shimizu is famous for its exports of mandarin oranges, strawberries, and green tea.  We saw large complexes of greenhouses growing strawberries.  Mandarin orange trees were present along the streets.  I assume the green tea is harvested from the surrounding mountainsides.

Shimizu is probably best known to tourists for its proximity to Mount Fuji, Japan’s highest mountain at over twelve thousand feet, and as a spiritual center.  Shinto adherents are urged to climb Mount Fuji at least once in their lives.  Mount Fuji is a perfectly formed cone of an active volcano.  Its last eruption was in 1770.  Nobody knows when it might erupt again.  Nevertheless, Mount Fuji is considered an “active” volcano.

Our tour for the day took us to the beach at the edge of the bay, which offered a certain view of Mount Fuji, followed by a drive to a hill near the city which contains a large tower structure for viewing the mountain.  Awakening early due to jetlag, I had the chance to photograph Mount Fuji from the ship before sunrise.  At this time of year, there is no snow remaining on the mountain peak. However, mountains create their own weather.  By the time we arrived at the viewing tower, clouds were rising that eventually totally obscured Mount Fuji from view. 



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